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Hi, I'm using this docker for local db, When I try to query for a specific lat-lon with around, it is taking like 0.5 - 0.6 secs on Linux x86_64 machine Ubuntu 18.04 here is my example query command: curl "http://localhost/api/interpreter?data=%5Bout:json%5D%5Btimeout:25%5D;(way(around:5,52.29201,-1.51869)%5B"highway"%5D;._;>;);out;"

Is there a way to improve this query speed? I also removed the around keyword and added bbox coordinates, it was worse. Is this result normal and that is the maximum I can reach or is there a way to improve this?


asked 02 Jul '22, 14:23

alisvndk88's gravatar image

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Unsure if I'd describe half a second as slow. Do you mean 5 seconds? What speed are you getting on the main api server?

Could you provide a correctly formatted routine please.

(02 Jul '22, 16:01) DaveF

No, it is 0.5-0.6 seconds which is equal to 500-600 msec. I'm using localhost and a docker image for queries. This is not a online query. But, I'd like to know that whether it is the maximum speed I can get or or not. If not, what can I do to improve this?

(03 Jul '22, 09:23) alisvndk88

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question asked: 02 Jul '22, 14:23

question was seen: 1,445 times

last updated: 03 Jul '22, 09:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum