In the windy application, I notice that the türkiye city İzmit(Kocaeli) is written as Nikomedia. When I have checked the windy forums, It says , they are getting the map data from openstreetmap. Please let me know why izmit written as nikomedia in the map. When I make a search as Nicomedia from your web page, It redirects me to izmit. Please note that Anadolu is Turk's homeland for 1000 years and there is no Nicomedia at all. Please correct it, otherwise, It will be understood as a political message. Thanks, Ömer Kırcalı |
OSM's Data Working Group** get lots of complaints about incorrect place names in Windy's apps and websites such as I believe that in all of the place name reports that we've had so far, Windy has been at fault and not OSM. In this case, Windy's website actually has the correct name so hopefully their app will update when they get around to it. Why Windy were using the name Nicomedia I've no idea - you'd have to ask them that. The Izmit node has had the same language names for a couple of years at least. Nicomedia is in OSM as the latin name for Izmit, which is correct, but there's no evidence that Windy got their incorrect name from there. A number of Windy's other incorrect names don't have an obvious source in OSM either (one example was the same city name duplicated 30km to the east). ** I'm a member of that group I've mentioned this in Windy's forums too. As that says, Windy support have been cc:ed with these issues several times previously.
(28 Jun '22, 12:08)
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