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We have a rather strange problem with OSM.

We need to install an interactive map for a specific area on our site, but we lack the usual export module, which is accessible by a separate key inside the OSM site.

We would like to find out how we can copy a certain area of the map by its coordinates, and so that in addition we can use all its features, such as a beautiful renderer, and not a lot of objects on a white background, notes on the map, as well as the possibility of using the OSMR routing service.

At the moment, after exporting, we only get the designations on the map, without a schematic background, which is presented on the official website as a standard layer.

asked 24 Jun '22, 07:39

MrIsmayil's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How are you trying to export it and what are you trying to use to display the map?

(26 Jun '22, 23:10) InsertUser

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question asked: 24 Jun '22, 07:39

question was seen: 1,006 times

last updated: 26 Jun '22, 23:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum