I want to create own osm server for non commercial/ Internal use only with routing machine/ Geo Coding Please help me with the easiest way Step By Step |
For tiles: switch2osm.org For geocoding (Nominatim): https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/admin/Installation/ although you might find "Photon" easier to install since you can download a pre-computed data set: https://github.com/komoot/photon For routing: Graphhopper is probably easiest https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper/blob/master/docs/web/quickstart.md Note that if you want to do this with world-wide data you will need a big server (around 2 TB fast hard disk, 128 GB RAM). If you are familiar with Docker then you might also find ready-made Docker containers for these services. Any Other way to do all of this via Windows Server or Windows System With GUI
(01 Jun '22, 14:08)
Use Windows Subsystem for Linux or Docker.
(01 Jun '22, 14:17)
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