Hello, I want to export the UTM coordinates into map.osm instead of lat/long coordinates from Open street map. Is there any way I can do that? I can't find anywhere option to change the lat/long coordinates into UTM coordinates. https://www.openstreetmap.org/export#map=17/39.22130/-77.27298 Work: I require my road networks from osm file in UTM coordinates. So, I it can be converted into opendrive(.xodr) format later and I can view those map in carmaker simulation in UTM coordinates. Can anyone please specify any other alternatives, if we can't export UTM coordinates from osm into map.osm file? |
There are no tools to transform the coordinates in an OSM file because the OSM XML file format only supports lat/lon coordinates. There isn't any software that would process an OSM file with coordinates in a different coordinate system. If there is already a conversion program that converts OSM data to the XODR format then it would make sense to modify that program - potentially using the "proj4" library to do the coordinate transformation. Another potential avenue is using the osm2pgsql software to load the data into a PostGIS database. osm2pgsql can transform OSM data into a number of projections on import (using the |