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Hi All,

I've a project that requires me to download Map Tiles JPG or BMP images for Singapore in following format : 1) BMP OR JPG 2) Zoom level 6-17 3) Generate Center Lat Lon in degree for all tiles 4) Map & Satellite Images 5) For offline uses, images must be free to use (eg. OSM ). Sample pictures here :

alt text

I used SAS Planet software to download Google tiles but realizes that google required license.. it's not free to use thou.. Anyone has any idea how/where do I download OSM Map tiles and Satellite images?

asked 27 May '22, 04:13

SZYSC's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 May '22, 04:14


Just to be clear, since your pictures are all satellite / aerial images:

OpenStreetMap does not host or provide any aerial imagery,

(27 May '22, 10:31) SomeoneElse ♦

You are misunderstanding the meaning of "free" in OpenStreetMap. As the Tile Usage policy ( clearly states:

"OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use. Our tile servers are not."

And about bulk downloading it states:

"Bulk downloading is strongly discouraged. Do not download tiles unnecessarily. In particular, downloading an area of over 250 tiles at zoom level 13 or higher for offline or later usage is forbidden."

So your options are to either:

a) render the tiles yourself. A guide for doing so can be found for various OS at You would want to use the data for Singapore (e.g. from here: as kindly provided by Geofabrik).

b) find a tile provider to serve your needs. E.g. Geofabrik offers tile packages with PNG tiles (see: ) or you may download PNG tiles with e.g. SAS.Planet from . You'll need about 50000 tiles for Singapore in zoom 6-17. Other providers (see a list at e.g. ) may also offer tiles for download/offline use or tile packages.

It will be even harder (and for easiest ways more expensive) to obtain satellite images for Singapore. Either you'll have to look into the offerings by companies like e.g. Maxar (as an example for a satellite data company) or e.g. MapTiler (

Or you can try to get satellite images produced by e.g. Sentinel-2 (see but please check their licenses) but the resolution might not be good enough for your up to zoom 17 plans.

permanent link

answered 27 May '22, 10:07

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 27 May '22, 04:13

question was seen: 9,031 times

last updated: 27 May '22, 10:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum