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I had added a soccer pitch, which didn't get rendered. I think I tried both with an area and a point. Both failed.

I checked at for instance this area: Roomburg. There's is a whole bunch of various pitches, none get rendered.

As usual: what's the point of tagging them, when they don't get rendered? And wasting time to find out what is going on. One mapper after another.

So, if there isn't any mistake, please render them.

asked 25 May '22, 14:15

BertMule's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 10 Jul '22, 09:31

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


Works for me - here's a screenshot:

Can you explain what you don't see?

Perhaps your browser is whowing out of date information and you just need to refresh it?

(25 May '22, 14:22) SomeoneElse ♦

The pitches in that area were all added at least a year and a half ago, so it shouldn't be a delay/refresh issue. I see them all, though, so I'm not sure what BertMule's issue might be.

@BertMule, maybe you can link to the area where you tried to add the soccer pitch? That way we can look at the tagging and see if we can make any suggestions.

(25 May '22, 16:54) alester

Which "Map layer" are you looking at?

The Standard, CyclOSM, Transport and OPNVKarte ones show them clearly for example, but the Cycle Map and Humanitarian ones don't

(26 May '22, 10:49) Mikey Co

The question has been closed for the following reason "Not a question" by SimonPoole 10 Jul '22, 09:31

This was not a question and is off-topic here.

Feature requests for the osm-carto style belong here

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answered 10 Jul '22, 09:31

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 10 Jul '22, 09:33


The pitches do get rendered. But my point is that the SPORT-tag does not.

Within the ID-editor there is an icon on the object symbolizing the sport. That's EXACTLY what I would expect on the map.

But I conclude this is yet another matter for styling, Carto to begin with.


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answered 09 Jul '22, 19:29

BertMule's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Jul '22, 20:32

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question asked: 25 May '22, 14:15

question was seen: 1,263 times

last updated: 11 Jul '22, 23:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum