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I'm new to this and mapping out my neighborhood because it's missing information. When mapping out someones house if they have a pool should I map it and label it as private? should driveways end by connecting to garages/homes? How about paths, should I be marking the foot paths going from the road/driveway to the home? For an example of what I'm talking about I mapped out 99 Davis Road in Carlisle MA. It feels excessive and I wanted to check with the community before continuing so I do not flood places with useless data.

asked 24 May '22, 22:42

HeroRareheart's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 May '22, 22:43

This is a perfectly fine level of detail - it's easy to confirm from aerial imagery. Some specific notes:

  • access=private on the driveway: normally this is reserved for roads behind a gate or a "no trespassing" sign. Private ownership is not important here (but the access=private tag has historically been overused in the past).
  • Optionally, building entrance nodes can be identified as entrance=yes or entrance=home
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answered 25 May '22, 02:28

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

What should I use as a tag for someones driveway, footpath, or pool on their property in place of private?

(25 May '22, 03:19) HeroRareheart

Marking it as a driveway already implies some defaults such as no through routing. ownership=private could be used, or access=permissive to indicate no restrictions for delivery.

(25 May '22, 11:47) Mike N

Re "access=private on the driveway: normally this is reserved for roads behind a gate or a no trespassing sign"; this is very regionally dependent.

In some places (including England, where I am) something that is privately owned is by default not publicly accessible. 150 miles up the road in Scotland that isn't the case.

At the risk of tautology, it makes sense to tag as access=private if those really are the access rules there. That may be influenced by signage, but also other things too.

(25 May '22, 12:08) SomeoneElse ♦

access=permissive sounds like my best bet as long as the owner never put up a "no trust-passing" sign then.

(25 May '22, 21:48) HeroRareheart

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question asked: 24 May '22, 22:42

question was seen: 2,168 times

last updated: 25 May '22, 21:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum