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I am working on my final year project and i have integrated the open street map in react native now i want to download the maps for offline use like the google maps does the user can select some area and save the map and when there is no internet connection the use can view that downloaded map Almost same functionality that google map does

asked 21 May '22, 07:14

afaqraja's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I actually use OsmAnd for offline use, at least on android, the version from f-droid, (there is a free and paid version in google play, in the f-droid there is a free version which is much less limited as far I know. I am sure that there are also other ways to access and use offline maps

Another way to get map data is to use the export feature in osm, but I haven't used it so much yet, I can download specific areas, but it is limited to 50000 nodes, small maps containing parts of a city may work, but even downloading all data for a larger city in one map doesn't work because of this limit. I think this depends a lot on the use case, if you are using the maps for things like offline navigation like I do, or if someone wants to develop something that uses offline data like the OsmAnd app, which is something where I don't have any experience, but I am sure that there a ways to download or generate data for such a use.

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answered 02 Jun '22, 20:38

rubberduck9999's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 21 May '22, 07:14

question was seen: 4,674 times

last updated: 02 Jun '22, 20:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum