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Microsoft recently released a building footprints dataset, produced by algorithm on satellite imagery. In the README of the project, it says (direct link) the dataset can be used in the HOT "AI assisted Tasking Manager". The website seems offline.

According to the Wayback Machine (direct link), the tool was online 2 months ago.

In this post, HOT talk about this tool and I didn't found any information about availability for regular HOT projects.

Did anyone use this tool? Is it still availabe?

Thank you

asked 19 May '22, 17:08

JackNUMBER's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

FWIW I think the other tool mentioned (RapiD) is still operational.

(19 May '22, 18:50) InsertUser

That site was indeed taken down recently because it was running an old version of the TM and now we have integrated RapiD into the Tasking Manager codebase itself for AI-assisted mapping. On or another tasking manager instance with latest updates, a project manager can configure RapiD for use on a mapping project, but it is not enabled by default.

permanent link

answered 19 May '22, 20:20

dkbenjamin's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Thank you for the info about the shutdown and the RapidiD option. It seems Microsoft didn't have fresh info about this 😅 Do you have an official record about the shutdown?

(19 May '22, 23:01) JackNUMBER

It was discussed internally at HOT and then I performed the shutdown. Site analytics had shown that the page wasn't being used at all.

I made a PR on the microsoft repo linked above to update the information.

(20 May '22, 14:14) dkbenjamin

It needs to be pointed out that including ODbL licensed data (as the MS data is) in to OSM is highly problematic, and needs careful deliberation before the fact.

And naturally any large scale import needs to go through the the process outlined here

(20 May '22, 14:50) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 19 May '22, 17:08

question was seen: 1,188 times

last updated: 20 May '22, 14:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum