Hello, I have setup a rendering stack (osm2pgsql, mapnik, apache, mod_tile) and am able to create a map for region specified by gps co-ordinates using render_list_geo.pl The maps look great! I used openstreetmap-carto style to render my map tiles. Though I was interested to customize it by removing all text labels (street names, building names, park names, landmark names, all types of text). I have the XML files with me that go as input to Mapnik, though I am not sure what should I edit in them to disable the text completely. |
You have a couple of options:
The OSM Carto lua has a "delete tags" section; it might be as simple as adding "name" and "ref" to that list. If for any reason that does not work adding the code to change those tags to filter_tags_generic would. I followed step 2 and edited the Lua file. Then I ran osm2pgsql and used render_list_geo.pl Still my tiles have text labels at all places. Did I miss something ?
(19 May '22, 15:19)
Just to be absolutely clear, you'll need to make sure you're not looking at cached information.
(20 May '22, 09:41)
SomeoneElse ♦
This made it clear, thankyou for listing it down.
(30 May '22, 12:28)
My approach would have been to take the project.xml you have generated and - with a text editor - comment out all the occurrences of <textsymbolizer ...="">. That is certainly a hack but should work nicely. I tried to remove the lines corresponding to <textsymbolizer ...=""> in the XML file, after that I ran, render_list_geo.pl there were no changes in the rendered files. I cleared all previous tiles from memory. Is there a way to apply the changes that were made.
(20 May '22, 01:57)
How did you "clear all previous tiles from memory"? Try the list from the "Just to be absolutely clear" list in the other comment.
(20 May '22, 09:43)
SomeoneElse ♦
This solution also worked for me thankyou for answering it
(30 May '22, 12:28)