Hello I would like to know if it is possible from OSM to create a map with road (not track) with a gradient color about how much the slop is. For example: color from 3% to 20% per 20m. I live in a place where it is very flat and I am looking to train more for climbing montain on my bike. I know few climb but I want to discover more. I would love to have all road colored like this for example: https://help.locusmap.eu/public/attachments/54070186b043d0995b7137703d3b6e3f.png |
Looks like other people have tried that before. E.g. https://ropensci.github.io/slopes/articles/roadnetworkcycling.html looks like a comprehensive guide how to accomplish your task. (I haven't tried it myself. Just found it by googling) |
Do you have access to the slope data or are you hoping to infer it from elsewhere? https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/232211240 looks like one of your roads and it appears that the slope information isn't in OSM.
I though OSM have elevation data :/ Maybe instead do something base on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:incline ?
OSM doesn't have elevation data. The
tag and similar is rarely used. You almost certainly want to look at SRTM or one of its many derivatives.