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I'm using geocoder "photon". I want to get suggestion address from postal code , street number I use this osm_tag: ["place:city", "place:town", "place:village","addr:postcode=*"] from this link

example of address: 4 rue emile baudot 91120 palaiseau

But not working with addr:postcode , any idea please .Thank you in advance

asked 10 May '22, 15:21

aminali1991's gravatar image

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edited 10 May '22, 16:56

Do I understand you correct: you expect to search for "91120, 4" and expect to get a suggestion of "4 rue emile baudot 91120 palaiseau" returned?

(11 May '22, 07:55) lonvia

Yes, for example, when I write 91120 I get suggestions started by this postal code, or write 4 get suggestions started with 4

(11 May '22, 09:12) aminali1991

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question asked: 10 May '22, 15:21

question was seen: 1,076 times

last updated: 11 May '22, 09:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum