I finally found the appropriate tags as described here: floating_barrier I have followed the instructions there, but it doesn't get rendered, even after some experiments. I applied it at this beach: Koudenhoorn So what is it?
Any help appreciated. |
Many things simply don't get rendered. They're either not important enough or haven't been noticed yet. As an example, radio towers are not rendered on the OSM main page because there are so many of them they clutter the map if displayed. While a floating barrier is important it's also the type of object that will need a push to get the rendering folks to look at implementing it as a project. Cheers, Dave How do I 'push' that? To me it seems a useful object for both boaters and swimmers, in this case. And I also noticed another case that was drawn as a fence, probably for rendering reasons.
(06 May '22, 18:15)
You'll have to convince the people who look after various map styles that it is worth doing. I suspect you'll struggle with OSM's "standard" map style - it is very conservative in what it shows. If it helps, I added it to a style I look after: https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-style/commit/1c4d96d1ec119ad867c27f157b27770663ea4096
(11 May '22, 19:55)
SomeoneElse ♦
In reply to your comment at the same time, no issues opened on Carto yet it appears. To me, there may be 2 problems:
I suspects it depends on where you're from - if you're Dutch** (where those tags are exclusively used in OSM) it'll make perfect sense! Otherwise, waterway=floating_barrier has both the numbers and the documentation edge. ** and of course "boom" in English is just stolen from the Dutch word for "tree".
(08 May '22, 18:14)
SomeoneElse ♦
I don't get both of your points. Are these just general remarks? I hope there is some way to make it WORK.
(11 May '22, 20:01)
Maybe it'll help if I explain it differently?
(11 May '22, 20:08)
SomeoneElse ♦
I am pretty new. How would I get into contact with those that maintain that style? Is there some reporting or request feature? Oh, you seem to suggest that won't easily make a difference. I have already noticed several spots that have the same problem, not being rendered. Or apply an inappropriate tag to make it visible.
(11 May '22, 21:49)
You would have to open an issue here: https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues (for the standard style as shown on the openstreetmap.org website) but with just ~365 occurrences so far a floating_barrier isn't much used (as of now) in OSM data.
(11 May '22, 22:43)
Thanks, I had not found GitHub yet. I have opened an issue about this.
(12 May '22, 17:53)
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Please CLOSE this question, as I have passed this on to gravitystorm. Very unpractical I can't do this myself. Please change that. The way that this help site works is that you can accept one of the answers (or at least could, before it was closed). "closed" here normally means "not really a valid question".
(13 May '22, 15:05)
SomeoneElse ♦
I can't, as far as I can see. See the FAQ.
(14 May '22, 11:48)