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The question is, how to generally find a place where I can pump up my bike. I can search for compressed_air, but there are also self-repair-stations with and without pumps and even bike shops with public pumps. Maybe there are even more (sub)categories. But if you just look for a place to pump your bike, the kind of place doesn't matter. How can this kind of request be unified? So, that e.g. if the self-repair does have a pump it will also show up.

asked 01 May '22, 19:09

querio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you asking about a specific app/tool/website? Or conceptually in general?

(02 May '22, 08:45) TZorn

Hi queno, with your own bicycle pump mounted to the bicycle ?

(03 May '22, 11:27) Teek

@TZorn I'm not sure. I'm using Osmand for a while where I encountered this problem but this might stem from the data structure of OSM. So when I do a query "pump" all pumps should show up. Not sure, where to bring it up.

(04 May '22, 21:05) querio

@Teek not sure, if my own bycicle pump is limited so certain areas and can be found via OSM ;)

(04 May '22, 21:06) querio

If OsmAnd doesn't show all pumps than maybe create a ticket at

(05 May '22, 07:21) scai ♦

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question asked: 01 May '22, 19:09

question was seen: 721 times

last updated: 05 May '22, 07:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum