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I have been testing the ArcGIS editing extension. I have downloaded, edited the OSM data, lines and points, no polys yet. When I check the openstreetmap in the area I have edited, no changes show up. I have edited in Upstate, NY and Punta Arenas, Chile. No errors received to indicate a problem.



Hello Stephan,

Yes, I now see some of the data when I use the upper right + to show overlays. I thought what I edit goes straight into the map, or is this just a holding location until it gets verified?.


bruce Hello Stephan,

Yes, I now see some of the data when I use the upper right + to show overlays. I thought what I edit goes straight into the map, or is this just a holding location until it gets verified?.



This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 13 Oct '11, 14:00

bdwillet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Oct '11, 20:14

To check whether your edits have been saved correctly to openstreetmap: go to your user page on, and click the link for edits. ie for you it will be this page:

From there, I can see that you have uploaded one changeset (a group of edits) from ArcGIS. I see this contains 10 nodes, but none of these nodes have any tags. For OpenStreetMap, you need to give objects tags to specify what sort of object it is. Otherwise there is no way for the map to know how to render it. Also note that not all tags are rendered on the main map on And this map can sometimes take a while to update, so your edits may not appear immediately.

I'm not sure what you are trying to map, or how you add appropriate tags in the ArcGIS editor. I would suggest to start with you read the Beginners Guide, and try using one of the popular editors, ie Potlatch 2 or JOSM. For how to use these, see the Potlatch 2 Primer or the JOSM guide. This will give you a general idea of how editing OSM works, and if you have any problems you can get help here.

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answered 13 Oct '11, 21:35

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Did you already check the data layer when you go to and click the white "+" sign on the upper right corner?

Or load the data of that area where you have edited into an editor like Merkaartor, JOSM, Potlatch to verify your edits.

Your edits should also appera in the Chronic on the main page, do they?

It is possible that rendering of edites elements is a bit delayed due to server issues.

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answered 13 Oct '11, 17:06

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 13 Oct '11, 14:00

question was seen: 4,316 times

last updated: 13 Oct '11, 21:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum