Alongside ways there are every now and then barriers made to prevent amphibious animals to cross a way, for instance frogs or lizards. Has anyone ever used a tag for a barrier like it made out of mesh or composite ? The animals tend to migrate to there birth place or pond, but will be crushed crossing a way, they will fall into buckets or walk-through tubes of any kind. |
I would only map these if they are permanent and not just temporarily there during the relevant season (which they typically are). Hi Simon Poole, there are a lot of these kind of borders or barriers, up to Eco ducts or tunnels for amphbians and even deer. With large or long barriers to guide the animals to the supposed crossing. To prevent animals to get into a building site or area. The building / construction stops as soon as certain animals get into the site at anytime. But what kind of tag is used to mark them? My own choice ? Access=yes, Amphibians=no
(01 May '22, 11:38)
I've only seen them in use on planned/actual construction sites, not on regular toad crossings (most of which in UK will be patrolled by volunteers at the relevant time of year).
(01 May '22, 20:44)
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