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we have some problems with our nominatim search.

we have updated our europe dump to the latest version und used the latest nominatim version 4.0.1

address example: Luisenhöhe 2, 4963 St. Peter am Inn,%204963%20St.%20Peter%20am%20Inn&polygon_geojson=1&format=jsonv2

In Openstreetmap the town is called St. Peter am Hart in austria.

Our instance doesn't find any results for the address - but if we change St. Peter am Inn into St. Peter am Hart it does work. Another exmaple are street names with "Straße" vs. "Str." - We got only correct results if the search request is in the same notation as in the osm postgresl nominatim db.

Are there any options for enabling fuzzy search? Whats the reason for such different results inthe public instance of

Thanks for help or tips

asked 30 Apr '22, 12:19

sylphen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The Nominatim servers on always use the latests development version of the Nominatim software, so differences are always to be expected.

For the particular problem with St. Peter, the difference is that has the new ICU tokenizer configured. The handling of partial terms has changed a little bit, so that it is marginally better at this particular query.

You can already use the new tokenizer with the 4.0.1 release. However, be aware that switching the tokenizer requires a reimport. Also, the ICU tokenizer has seen quite a few improvements and bug fixes since the last release.

'Straße' vs. 'Str' has always worked. The problem there was probably somewhere else.

permanent link

answered 02 May '22, 10:42

lonvia's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%


thank you for the tipp - we will try out that with the latest version in our test environment with enabled ICU tokenizer!

kinds regards

(02 May '22, 10:54) sylphen

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question asked: 30 Apr '22, 12:19

question was seen: 1,954 times

last updated: 02 May '22, 11:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum