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Please help, I seem to have run myself into trouble.

I have been editing a lot (in the ID-editor) on Koudenhoorn.

The base is formed by a scrub multipolygon, containing a lot of inner relations.

I follow the result in Information Freeway. At some point after editing, that base turned all white At first I thought it was just a matter of lagging, but it seems to be a structural problem.

I have reinspected the map, also tried Potlach and JOSM. I don't see anything clearly wrong. But I fear the problem is caused by the polygons, which are already pretty complicated. A clue may be that in the ID-editor marking of some edges seems to be 'jumpy' (double or alternating).

Do you have suggestions what may be the cause, recognizing this problem?

Or would you please have a look at the map, identifying some error?

I don't want to end up in a botched state, after improving it a lot. I hope I can just clear some error.


asked 26 Apr '22, 16:38

BertMule's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Apr '22, 17:00


I made some changes to the multipolygon that should fix it. I also decided to exclude a set of features from the multipolygon by redigitizing part of the "outer" to make it less complicated with less "inners".

Should take some time to re-render, but JOSM's validator now says the MP is fine (where it wasn't before).

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answered 26 Apr '22, 17:57

mboeringa's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%


It seems to be in the process of becoming better (correctly) rendered.

As far as I tried, the JOSM validator did not report any errors.

I see some of your simplifications, but I still wonder what effectively caused the problem.

(26 Apr '22, 18:45) BertMule

There were multiple defects reported by JOSM, including overlapping section of ways that were not immediately visible. This was partly caused by your attempt not to combine nodes, leading to very "thin" sections of the multipolygon around "inners". This easily leads to geometric errors. Where possible and logical, merging nodes of two landuses bordering each other is recommmended IMO.

(26 Apr '22, 19:00) mboeringa

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question asked: 26 Apr '22, 16:38

question was seen: 1,164 times

last updated: 26 Apr '22, 19:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum