Hi, in osm, when we look at a relation with https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/NNN where NNN is the id of the relation, we can see the current members of the relation on the map (I mean the members with geometry = nodes and ways). If we want to see the history, we have on the left panel all the versions with, for each, tags and members. But on the map we have only the current version of the relation. I would like to know if there is a tool to see the members of old versions on a map. Best regards. |
Try the OSM History Viewer. Once you have searched for a relation you get more history viewers at the top (orange buttons), some of which will do what you are looking for. I need more explanation because I didn't find anything
(24 Apr '22, 00:55)
It's rather straight forward. Go the website, enter your id NNN into the field relation id and press Go!. On the next page you have some orange buttons on the top labled Deep History, History Browser and so forth. Clicking those takes you to different views for the history of your relation. Take for example the history browser. You get all the versions of your relation listed. Select two to compare (left and right radio buttons) and click compare selected versions. You see a list of members for each compared version.
(24 Apr '22, 11:30)
Ok, but my question is to see them on a map : sometimes the outer (and inner) of a boundary or a multipolygon change a lot, I want to see it easily, not by looking at 100 or 200 ways one by one and try to imagine how it was because some ways are new and other removed. And to be more clear, ways/nodes may have changed too : what I would like to see, if I look on the relation at the 1st Jan 2020 for example, is the ways and nodes at this time to be able to see the relation at this time. All the datas are in osm database, just follow the link https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/relation/NNN/V where NNN is the id and V the version and you will have an XML file of the relation version V. What I search is a software that could show this version (this xml file) on a map.
(24 Apr '22, 15:44)
Sorry, I missed that bit. No idea how to do that.
(24 Apr '22, 16:05)
You can view history from Josm. Select the relation, View, History and you can view the changes that were made to the tags of the relation. There is a dropdown box next to each listed changeset and you can select to view the changes in that particular changeset... I normally view in Achavi which displays the changed ways. You can instead select members of the relation and view the tag changes on the members. Beware of doing this on a large relation with many members as it can be unmanageable. Sometimes it may be better to select just one or few members to view. It doesn't work with achavi : I enter 2 dates to be able to see the version 9 of a relation but it shows the version 14, the last one. It is quite better with osmcha and osmlab but not perfect : it shows the changesets (the difference between 2 versions, for example between 8 and 9), not the version 9. With JOSM, I need to install it so I will try later.
(24 Apr '22, 17:42)