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Do we have a tag for amenities that keep your things at entrance?

An example is the shoe-keepers at religious places that keep your shoes for you when you enter the place and put it in a shelf and give you a number to identify the shoe for when you comeback and want to exit.

In some places there are no person to give service and it is only lockers with/without the key and you can put your things until you want to exit.

An example is here tagged shop=shoes: but it isn't a shop. Even this service has no fee.

In larger places there are more of such amenities at different entrances usually with a name/ref.


asked 20 Apr '22, 12:04

iriman's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Hi, This sounds like a cloakroom, described here:- with many tags to describe the service given at the amenity.

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answered 21 Apr '22, 07:33

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Hi, thanks! I would add a cloakroom=shoes alongside to specify type of it.

(21 Apr '22, 09:33) iriman

Maybe you can add self_service=no and supervised=yes for those.

(21 Apr '22, 10:47) Kovoschiz

Unfortunately for =cloakroom not every one of those is going to be a proper "room", unless it doesn't have to be dedicated or specifically built. Not sure if you should count every indoor space with that functionality, including where it is part of the main corridor, only with a simple tray for shoes.

  1. Your example points to another problem: sometimes you don't have access to the storage room itself, if there is one. You have to hand over your belongings at a desk. Although this is not accurate, there were proposals on an for amenity= for receptions, including =reception, =reception_point, =reception_area, and =reception_desk. If the shoes drop is located together with the reception, or immediately greets you at the entrance, this may be acceptable.

  2. You can use amenity=locker directly. Although, there's no locker=shoes yet, you could start adding it. The issue would be how to show the requirement of using it. cloakroom:use= is mentioned there (but *:use= is usually for usage), contrasted with mandatory= (not used at all). access=designated may have the best recognition, however it doesn't suggestion mandatory or exclusive use.

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answered 21 Apr '22, 10:45

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 21 Apr '22, 10:50

As for the reception, I don't think it is very consistent. Because in addition to the shelves that are installed at the entrances with some people giving service, there are also bags that pilgrims can pick up and put their shoes in and carry the shoes with them. In fact, going to this part is not mandatory. About room definition, I agree, not all of them are proper rooms. imo it is acceptable to consider it as amenity=lockers. But one more thing: Does it make sense to add lock=no to it, since they don't have doors? (amenity=lockers + lock=no + locker=shoes) or yet it's better to have a new tag for example amenity=shelves?

(21 Apr '22, 14:55) iriman

Bags: the closest I can think of is there was an amenity=dispenser for pet waste, later changed to continue using =vending_machine + vending=excrement_bags. Despite having no payment mechanism around, and not a mechanical "machine".

Shelves: Then yes, those are not lockers if there are no doors. I don't know anything for them.

Note: lock= is mainly for water locks at canals for ships. For lockers (with doors of course), quite many inside another facility (eg swimming pool, sports center) require you to bring your own locks.

(21 Apr '22, 16:39) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 20 Apr '22, 12:04

question was seen: 1,122 times

last updated: 21 Apr '22, 16:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum