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Hi Everyone,

I am currently working on a project to optimize the wheelchair navigation routes using OpenStreetMap and one way I thought of is to complete the inclination details of each line segment using elevation models. Would it be possible to find and update the osmids and update the incline tag value by bulk on my local osm file? What should I need to use for that?

I have downloaded the data from OSM and I wanted to edit the data on that file and use it for my local navigation to check if it works. I tried using QGIS but it seems that it cannot make everything to .osm again after transforming the data to osm2pgsql as it does not work on my local OpenRouteService as the relationship of the nodes and way segments are gone.

Please Advise, Thank you!

asked 20 Apr '22, 00:39

Metono's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I cannot answer on the technical aspects. But I'd like to voice my view on the approach in general.

Firstly, information that gets added to the OSM database should be observable on the ground and verifiable. This includes that the mappers themselves only map what they have surveyed or can objectively derive from other sources. Elevation models lack the precision which is needed to correctly add information to small local objects in my opinion. Relying on the statistics and technical limitations in elevation models contradicts ground truth.

There are many services that add elevation model data to the OSM data during their processing chain (e.g. to add contour lines on maps or as in your case to find routes with minimal inclination), though, without adding the additional data into the main OSM database. One router doing it I know of is BRouter but there are probably more. Please also investigate that direction.

Secondly, bulk editing anything is not an easy task. There are guidelines that govern how bulk uploads have to be handled (Import Guidelines, Automated Edits code of conduct). Please read and understand those before you continue.

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answered 20 Apr '22, 21:42

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thank you for your insight regarding this matter, Although the approach I am currently checking would most probably not go to the main OSM servers to our local OSM server only, this is to see and compare how our modelled routing algorithms fair with public ones such as Google and other routing applications.

But would you know if it would be possible to edit the local osm file by bulk for example add incline values to osmids? I have tried using osm2pgsql but I am not sure how to export back to an osm file.

(20 Apr '22, 21:48) Metono

I think OSRM has this functionality via a call in LUA (process_way), see and search for elevation

(21 Apr '22, 13:47) SK53 ♦

So just to update others that might need also a way to do this.

I was able to update tags of the local osm.pbf file using osmosis(import) -> postgres (edit all tags in hstore) -> osmosis (export to .osm) -> josm save file as .osm.pbf

The problem now is that the overpass API does not recognize the updated tags, Does someone have any experience in making a custom tag for a local overpass API server?

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answered 24 Apr '22, 22:21

Metono's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Sounds like you should ask a new question about this :)

(25 Apr '22, 07:22) scai ♦

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question asked: 20 Apr '22, 00:39

question was seen: 1,634 times

last updated: 25 Apr '22, 07:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum