Hi Guys, I'm new to Openstreetmap. I don't have a overview about the project, but I have got some questions:
I'm happy about every answer or reference. Best Regards Lukas asked 12 Oct '11, 10:57 Lukasl09 Gnonthgol ♦ |
Loading 10k points into OpenLayers in a vector layer will significantly slow down the web browser. You will either have to set up a database that does clustering for you - i.e. only show one marker at first and then show more when zooming in - or you will have to render your own map tiles with the 10k points already drawn directly onto the tiles (or onto transparent PNGs which you then show as an overlay). Since you seem to be interested in a small area only, rendering your own map tiles would not be too difficult, and could probably be done with Maperitive (see Wiki). answered 12 Oct '11, 11:41 Frederik Ramm ♦ |
answered 12 Oct '11, 11:27 petschge |
Of course this is possible, just take a look at OpenLayers and the OpenLayers simple example. answered 12 Oct '11, 11:17 scai ♦ |
Okay, thank you guys.
With your information i trie my luck.
10k greetings from rainy Cologne