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I recently added the organization called Eco Magia (Эко Магия in russian) to OSM. I filled its fields very thoroughly including its name and description in 3 languages, fixed the shape of the building. I see it on the map but I can't find it through the search. It says Nominatim and Geoname found nothing.

I tried to Google such problem but haven't found any solution.

How can I fix it?

asked 19 Apr '22, 10:33

catoshock's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The name would be "Eco Magia" and not "Eco Magia | All day healthy breakfasts cafe and healthy food shop", that's a mix of a name and a description.

So right now Nominatim only finds the cafe if you search for the exact name the way you entered it in the name fields, e.g.:

So you'll have to change the name into "Eco Magia" for e.g. name:en (and resp. for name:ru "Эко Магия" etc.) and put the rest in the resp. description tags.

permanent link

answered 19 Apr '22, 11:35

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 19 Apr '22, 11:36

Thank you! That works for Nominatim. How to make GeoNames work too?

(19 Apr '22, 16:01) catoshock

Geonames is not related to OSM. So OSM cannot help you with any data questions in regard to Geonames. You'll have to look at and maybe the forum there for any information about their database.

(19 Apr '22, 16:43) Spiekerooger

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question asked: 19 Apr '22, 10:33

question was seen: 1,377 times

last updated: 19 Apr '22, 16:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum