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Hi, I own a marketing agency. I hired a printing company to print some folders for my client (my client is a real estate investor).

The printing company is telling me the public license this community offers does not cover "third parties" and because of this, they cannot print the folders using the image this community has copyrighted.

The image is a map of northwest Philadelphia, as seen here:

My client fix and flips houses in the area shown in the map, which is why we want to use the map image.

Who do I get permission from?

I kind of doubt we really need permission, your rules clearly state the only thing we can't do is "modify" the image. We are not modifying the image, we're just printing it on a folder in its original form, no changes at all.

This printing company is very old fashioned. I told them this is an open source community with no legal department or contact phone number but they won't budge on this issue.

asked 15 Apr '22, 18:10

Alex%20Biega's gravatar image

Alex Biega
accept rate: 0%

Find another printing company. It is, after all, not the printing company's duty to make sure that you have actually acquired the rights to something you print (as long as it isn't dollar bills I suppose). If you had bought the rights to use a map commercially, would they ask you to show them the paperwork for it?

Our license and legal FAQ is here and you're wrong, you are totally allowed to modify a map image made with OSM (it's just that if you did make a derived database of OSM then you would have to license that under the ODbL as well). But as I said, it should not even concern the printing company whether you have the rights to print it. If you approach them with your novel and ask to print 1,000 copies will they request proof that this is actually your novel and not someone else's...?

permanent link

answered 15 Apr '22, 20:53

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks, I have already decided to find a new print company... but I really just made this post to see if they were correct.

(15 Apr '22, 21:48) Alex Biega

What Frederic explained applies to OSM data, i.e. if you make your own map from OSM data.

However, if you want to take the map from that website for use in your folders you need to ask the rights holder of that map for permission. If someone creates a map from OSM data they can publish it under any license they like.

(17 Apr '22, 21:35) TZorn

@tzom then how do I contact the actual rights holder? I'm confused.

(18 Apr '22, 22:41) Alex Biega

Below the map it says: Neighborhoods of the Northwest. (Image courtesy of East Falls Development Corporation). So I would assume that East Falls Development Corporation is the rights holder.

Then again those few boundaries don't look too complicated. You can find a free to use basemap and if you find a free source of those boundaries you can probably paint them in yourself with the graphics program of your choice. That map could then be used in your folders.

(19 Apr '22, 20:48) TZorn

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question asked: 15 Apr '22, 18:10

question was seen: 1,359 times

last updated: 19 Apr '22, 20:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum