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As part of a personal project that will use OSM data on road passes, I am interested in how they are listed on the map. According to the wiki, "a mountain_pass=yes tag should be the highest point of the way, so it's a single node on that way."

In general it's pretty straightforward, but I wonder what it is for road passes with tunnels, like the Rousset pass in France (56415172).

The highest point of the road is in the tunnel (which is flat), according to the wiki, a mountain_pass=yes should be added.

However, the "real" pass is on a footpath above the tunnel (905187823), and the mountain_pass tag is assigned to it.

I looked at other similar situations, like the Lukmanier pass (1478875365), and another decision seems to have been made. What do you think is the most appropriate placement of the mountain_pass tag in these tunnel situations?

asked 28 Mar '22, 12:04

LucBed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I personally would not tag a location within a tunnel as a mountain pass. To me that is a surface feature.

So I agree with the tagging on the first situation you list where the pass is tagged on a trail and not on the highway tunnel.

It does, however, leave open the situation where the two halves of a divided highway are at different elevations when going over a pass. Or where a foot trail crosses at a different elevation than an adjacent highway. Fortunately, that is not the question you asked.

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answered 28 Mar '22, 16:35

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 28 Mar '22, 12:04

question was seen: 918 times

last updated: 28 Mar '22, 16:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum