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I have a question about this tutorial [1] [2]. I have followed the steps as explained, but I get no map in my browser. I do not know where the problem could be. I've done the tutorial twice, but always with the same result. Can someone please give me a hint?

My systems: Debian 6.0.2 (first try) and Debian 6.0.0 (second try)

[1] [2]

Regards Chris

asked 11 Oct '11, 09:45

cchelius's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have a howto "Build your own OpenStreetMap Server - Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx". I have never tried it before but if you are interested tell me your email address.

(19 Jun '12, 19:04) cchelius

yee sure i am interested my email adress is

(19 Jun '12, 19:44) ahmadhc

Please have a look at the site, the instructions there are maintained and kept up to date. Particularly wrt osm2pgsql old instructions tend to be misleading.

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answered 19 Jun '12, 19:15

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Take a look into the dir /var/lib/tirex/tiles/osm to see if tiles are correctly generated.

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answered 11 Oct '11, 10:09

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thank you for your quick response. I have checked it and the folder /var/lib/tirex/tiles/osm is missing. But "tirex-status --once --extended" shows me

Maps: Name Renderer Zoom Tiledir
example mapnik 0- 4 /var/lib/tirex/tiles/example
osm mapnik 0-18 /var/lib/tirex/tiles/osm
surveillance mapnik 0-18 /var/lib/tirex/tiles/surveillance test test 0-10 /var/lib/tirex/tiles/test

Do I have to create the folder manually?

(11 Oct '11, 10:30) cchelius

Maybe you can address your problem to a more specific discussions forum/list …

(11 Oct '11, 12:51) NicolasDumoulin

Ok, thanks, I'll do that.

(11 Oct '11, 15:13) cchelius


yes i succeeded. i created the folder


and gave permission to tirex

chown tirex:tirex /var/lib/tirex/tiles/

That's usually necessary to enable tirex to write to that locations.

(18 Jun '12, 21:55) cchelius

hi i think i have the same question as urs i need to get an own OSM server on an ubuntu machine and i dont know how to proceed i followed this ink but after that i think i search for a c++ library package for the itenerary calculation .and here i want to know if u succeedded in installing your server .

thank you

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answered 18 Jun '12, 13:28

ahmadhc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi thank you for your awnser do u mind if we talk a little bit about it ?? i am not an expert in cartography but my bass asked me to create on an ubuntu machine a local server that have the same work on this link so what i have to do is to create an osrm server but i dont know how to do and if this different then OSM server ??

please if u can help of guide to someone that could help me

please it's so important

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answered 18 Jun '12, 22:26

ahmadhc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Hi. Please create a new question for your problem. You can find the documentation on OSRM here

(19 Jun '12, 06:53) NicolasDumoulin

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question asked: 11 Oct '11, 09:45

question was seen: 6,162 times

last updated: 24 Jun '12, 16:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum