In Little Rock, we used to have US 70 tied to I 30. US 70 was not part of I 30 once past the intersection with South University Avenue. I removed every place I saw US 70 incorrectly on I 30. US 70 used to go north on South University Avenue and turn right when it made it eastbound to Asher Avenue. I attempt to fix the Road Route US 70 (Little Rock and North Little Rock). The correct but different route is US 70 exits at Exit 129 to go north on I 430 for 1 mile. At Exit 1, US 70 exits to go east-northeast of Stagecoach Road. At the first light with an intersection is where Colonel Glenn Road turns. US 70 continues straight. A little farther is will Colonel Glenn Road runs into Asher Avenue at South University Avenue. US 70 continues on Asher Avenue. The road splits. US 70 takes West Roosevelt Road to the right. Broadway Street in Little Rock runs north/south. When US 70 gets to Broadway, US 70 heads north on Broadway Street. (The) Broadway Bridge connects Little Rock to the different town of North Little Rock. US 70 crosses and goes to the east on West Broadway Street. At Main Street, US 70 continues on East Broadway Street until I 440. US 70 continues until West Memphis but I only wish to change the central Arkansas route. When I did this, I typed I 30; 129 for a beginning location. That is the I 30/430 interchange. However, I get a route that is very close to what begins in North Little Rock beside the Broadway Bridge. Broadway Bridge is how it is logged. The route crosses the Broadway Bridge (I think) twice. However, I am unsure. The following might help. Any help will be appreciated. |
Hi, this is the 3rd question you have posted on the topic, it is not clear if you are asking the same question in different ways or if they are different questions. You didn't respond to a request for clarification last time. Also, please try to add paragraphs or line breaks, the text is very hard to read.
In any case, this seems to be the route relation you are trying to edit:
What is it about this relation that you want to change?
I read the second time that paragraphs were wanted and typed in a paragraph form. I added the line breaks. Yes, I do not know if what I did will begin where I wish or not. Routing is not a thing that I have done in OSM besides these attempts. via=roadway name was the common route designator. However, I believe I still saw a route beginning north of the Arkansas River. Yes, I know I 30 runs north and south before ending at I 40. That is some of the confusion I have.
Just to be clear, we don't understand what it is you need help with. Describing road routing to us in detail doesn't help us understand what your ultimate goal is. Are you trying to update the US 70 route relation to reflect changes to that highway's route? Are you trying to update the ref=* tags on the respective pieces of that route? Or are you using some kind of routing software and it isn't doing what you expect? Once we understand what you're trying to do, we can probably provide more help.
I also notice that there is a larger US 70 (Arkansas) relation:
It seems to have a gap around Little Rock, and the one I mentioned earlier is apparently intended to fill the gap
This seems a bit odd, but maybe it dates from when this was 70B and not 70.
So maybe you are trying to create a single US 70 relation within Arkansas?
It might be something where you would need help from locals or from US mappers experienced in highway mapping - I'm not sure what local practice is around use of ref= on ways versus route relations.
That is possible. I found the other website that links me to the hopefully more recent one. I know Hot Spring should be Hot Springs.
I looked on . I know US 70 comes from Hot Springs or more technically Hot Springs National Park and becomes part of I 30 until reaching I 430.
Can you please direct me to any US mappers that would be willing to help me with highway mapping? This is not some thing that I know enough to really do on my own. I just want to route US 70 from I 30 EXIT 129 to US 70 at I 440 both directions. I asked somebody that maps and made changes to the route last besides me. He only mapped there because he works so close. I lack the knowledge of who to ask.