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Let me attempt this again. Little Rock might have had US 70B. I got on Google Maps yesterday and followed the partially new route for US 70 through Little Rock and North Little Rock. I attempt to change the eastbound route to what is today. That changed. is from OSM. Searching in edit for US 70 will produce this. Road Route US 70 (Little Rock, AR). I corrected the names to be US 70 instead of US 70B. The route changed within the last 3 years. I did not create this the first time. Clicking Arkansas here takes you to the Arkansas portion of US 70. I tried to select mile marker 128 on I 30 since that is the last one before the interchange heading eastbound. I 30 also does not go east and west and also crosses the Arkansas River before ending at I 40. Little Rock has Broadway Street. North Little Rock has West & East Broadway Street and Broadway Street. The Broadway Bridge connects each Broadway Street from Little Rock to North Little Rock. I think I 30 needs the US 70 designation removed but am unsure. Let me get to my issue. If I could do this eastbound, I would create the other route. My route appears to begin in NLR on West Broadway Street before going over The Broadway Bridge to complete part of the route. I labeled each section where this should be US 70 for the road number that was not already labeled as such. What do I need to do to cause this to begin where I wish and follow the route I wish? I know that was wordy.

asked 22 Mar '22, 08:43

Dark_Valor's gravatar image

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Please do not open new questions just to change something, edit your original question or add a comment to it. Further note: adding some paragraphs would make your question far easier to read.

(22 Mar '22, 09:40) SimonPoole ♦

I am not sure what question you are asking. You have made quite a few changes to the map recently. Is something still wrong/updated after those changes? If so, could you point to something specific you want to change?

(22 Mar '22, 11:26) alan_gr

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question asked: 22 Mar '22, 08:43

question was seen: 701 times

last updated: 22 Mar '22, 11:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum