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I've created a couple of new tracks (highway=track), but I can't get OSM routing to use them, but it keeps creating a route the long way around, can someone please tell me what's wrong?

asked 21 Mar '22, 21:47

BjarneD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I am surprised you have so many tags on that track. What editor did you use? just curious. I'm using Potlatch and I think when I have looked at the history in the past it used to say which editor was used. I may be mistaken though :-)

(22 Mar '22, 15:04) andy mackey

@andy, I'm using the iOS app "Go Map!!" by which some default tags are added, and custom ones can also be added, and then I go to here to OSM to test it out.

(22 Mar '22, 19:45) BjarneD

Thanks I've not tried an iphone.

(22 Mar '22, 20:38) andy mackey

The openstreetmap database is is updated as soon as you save your edit. The router data will only be updated every few days, or week, or even longer. graphhopper is usually about four days in my experience. OSRM a bit longer.

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answered 22 Mar '22, 09:27

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%


Indeed the link is now showing a direct route over a new track so it looks like your edits were OK and are now reflected in this particular routing engine.

(22 Mar '22, 11:43) alan_gr

Thanks for telling about the latency in routing, I didn't know, and thought is was me that were doing something wrong :-)

(22 Mar '22, 19:48) BjarneD

It is the software you are using which seems to be set up for motor-vehicle restrictions eventhough you select foot. Basecamp does it text Not much help I know but the only tag that restricts your routing is motor_vehicle=no

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answered 21 Mar '22, 22:41

wilda69's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

The "pain" is OSM itself, which provide the capability to search route, and what you're indicating here is, that OSM is doing a really bad job itself... Or did I get that wrong?

(22 Mar '22, 19:38) BjarneD

We ( you as well BjameD ) are all helping on OSM for the love of maps and for free.... Or did I get it wrong? Getting involved with mapping, the forums and all the other stuff does, and should improve it.

(23 Mar '22, 07:37) andy mackey

"what you're indicating here is, that OSM is doing a really bad job itself" I'm not clear what you are referring to - I thought the routing is now working as expected?

(23 Mar '22, 08:01) alan_gr

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question asked: 21 Mar '22, 21:47

question was seen: 1,526 times

last updated: 23 Mar '22, 08:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum