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Hello, North of the Arkansas River is North Little Rock (NLR) and in part my issue. I attempt to edit US 70B in Little Rock (south of the Arkansas River). The route for US 70B used to be on South University Avenue before partially changing. This is confusing. In NLR is the intersection of the Broadway Bridge/Broadway Street and West Broadway Street. I tried to change the former route to be I 30, mile marker 128, Exit 129, north on I 430, Exit 1, northeast on Stagecoach Road, Continue on Colonel Glenn Road, Continue on Asher Avenue, (at the fork but worded differently) right on West Roosevelt Road, left on Broadway Street (in Little Rock), to the Broadway Bridge. That is my idea. If I could make that work, I would create a westbound version. The route is almost the same. I 30 is US 70. However, this begins at or near the Broadway Bridge in NLR. I attempted to begin on I 30 at 128. The route appears to do what it wants before going back to NLR. Might I please receive some help? I removed US 70B from every other place that it should not have been in Little Rock. I 30 does run into NLR before reaching I 40. This should help.

asked 21 Mar '22, 07:05

Dark_Valor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 22 Mar '22, 09:38

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


Are you sure that US 70B still exists in that area? I did some searching, and it seems like the 70B designation in Little Rock was removed entirely some time ago. This also seems to be confirmed by some official maps that don't show a 70B in Little Rock.

(21 Mar '22, 19:04) alester

I need to ask this again with some changes. Please imagine this was answered.

(22 Mar '22, 08:09) Dark_Valor

The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question" by SimonPoole 22 Mar '22, 09:38

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question asked: 21 Mar '22, 07:05

question was seen: 725 times

last updated: 22 Mar '22, 09:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum