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Hello wonderful person!

I have a question regarding public gps traces on the website.

Since I had a "cloud" of GPS records from a few of the Public GPS traces stored on my OSM account inside my house's grounds, Recently (a few months ago) I went through all those GPS traces as a "privacy audit" measure.

As you may be aware, that makes it very easy for anyone to deduct that a osm mapper lives there. I was able at the time to clip close traces and re-upload them so that now there's no gps data inside the private area of my house.

So, what's happening at this time? If I download Public GPS traces on JOSM, there's not a single point or way in my house. If I go to and ask for Public GPS traces to be shown, There's the point cloud in my house

So: Is this by design or is the data just outdated and still counting the deleted traces as not deleted? Is it possible that Public GPS traces on are being sourced anywhere else than users accounts?


asked 15 Mar '22, 22:38

silva1989's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


There is no update mechanism for the raster GPX public tracks tiles. New tracks are added to the tiles, and that's it. The tool responsible for this is umaintened too.


permanent link

answered 16 Mar '22, 06:56

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

wow, good to know. do you have by any chance a link to the tool development page?

(16 Mar '22, 08:18) cmoffroad

You will find a lot of interesting links in this question.

Here is the repository of the tool. Some PR have been merged recently, so it's not totally unmaintained as I thought.

(17 Mar '22, 19:47) H_mlet

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question asked: 15 Mar '22, 22:38

question was seen: 1,115 times

last updated: 17 Mar '22, 19:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum