Hi I want to delete a long linear way. I know it's id so I download just that object. It's attached to other objects, so JOSM throws conflict errors & insists that the offending objects are also downloaded and then the user can decide if they want to keep them. Due to it being a long object, JOSM doesn't allow all the data to be d/l in one go. This is frustrating. Is there a way to tell JOSM to default to retaining all the nodes of the other objects? In Potlach there's never a problem, it deletes the linear object & automatically keeps the previously shared nodes. I'm struggling to see a scenario when a node that's still in use by another object would want to be deleted. |
I think you can instruct JOSM to download all parent objects of what you have selected, which would get you the other objects referencing your way, and therefore - in a similar way as stated by InsertUser - not remove those nodes still required for those other ways. If I understand the doc correctly, and you are indeed talking about this "Download object" with referrers functionnality, it is meant for ways and relations. You can't download ways that are connected via nodes with it.
(13 Mar '22, 17:48)
My bad, reading that bug report, it seems if you download the nodes with this, you'll get all the referencing ways... But you would have to specify all the nodes, if it's a really long way, with lots of nodes, this can get cumbersome...
(13 Mar '22, 17:52)
I think he means select all and use Download Parent Ways And Relation. Although I suspect JOSM would warn anyway.
(13 Mar '22, 17:53)
@InsertUser well it makes sense, if you download the way, select all its nodes, hit Ctrl+Alt+D and then delete the way, it should be good, no ? There will be a warning about working in an undownloaded area, but there should be no conflict, I think.
(13 Mar '22, 18:33)
Hi As the others, I can't answer your original question about an option to just let the nodes be. But here is an overpass query, that loads all intersecting ways, to a specified one. The result is quite big, because this ferry line intersect the Irish boundaries and coastline, but that's just an example ! ;-) You can refine this query to your need, even filtering by type of way (or maybe only ways and not relations), then you can use JOSM download from overpass functionality. Hope this helps. Best regards. |
If understand question correctly. Example: massive (BS object) landuse=farmland connected to roads forest etc. want shrink (delete) it and draw 50 proper farmland, grassland etc., but do not want to download whole area with 100k nodes just avoid deleting nodes connected to it. Safely unglue (G) it. Select way. Using plugin 'utilsplugin2' or can be done with search (Ctrl-F) and 'child selected'. Selection > Select way nodes (Ctrl+Shif-N) Shift select way too in case. Edit > Copy (Ctrl-C). File > Download object... Object type: mixed | Object ID: should be there after Copy. Download objects. I don't know if it will help and only solution working in JOSM for me. Maybe exist simple "one-click" solution, I can't find any. Other suggestion/tools don't work, atleast for me. |
It depends on the types of objects I guess, but for example when two buildings were attached, and you delete one, if the common nodes were not the corners of the remaining one, I would delete them. Nodes along a straight way are useless, and sometimes even confusing IMHO.
The same can happen with roads I think. A simple rule could, if removing the (untagged of course) node from the remaining object doesn't change its geometry, then let's delete it !
My 2 cents.