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According to newspaper reports, the Enz Valley Cycle Path (Enztalradweg) near Pforzheim is to be diverted until about 2026/2027. There is a signposted alternative route. OSM based routing planers route still via the blocked old way. How is this to handled. Upload the bypass? How to blocke the original path? and who is responsible for checking locally when something changes again?

asked 11 Mar '22, 17:38

practitioner's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What is the situation on the ground - is the original route physically blocked? Or still passable but not part of the signposted route?

Similarly does the "bypass" consist of newly constructed ways, or are they ways that already exist (probably already mapped in OSM) but were not previously part of the signposted route?

(12 Mar '22, 13:54) alan_gr

The original route is totally blocked. Big signpost lead you to the new route. The route consists now of existing roads, paths but also of small new path on an existing highway. I have uploaded to OSM the new route with the name „track 10“. But I do not have the knowledge to integrate the route.

(12 Mar '22, 15:34) practitioner

update: I've set the Enztalradweg on the east and west side of the A8 building site to bycicle=no. I adjusted where necessary the path info to bycicle=yes. I'm in contact with the mapper of the Enztalradweg to define what else needs / can be done thank you all

(14 Mar '22, 15:55) practitioner

Note that the tags now imply that the track is still open to pedestrians as well as agricultural vehicles - I'm not sure if that is what you intended.

(14 Mar '22, 18:50) alan_gr

alan, the A8 construction site is huge, I do not know the exact situation on site, which roads are closed when, how long and for whom.Since last week I know from unpleasant experience that the Enztalradweg is diverted.

Well, there is an object "bridge" ( that you could just close for everyone. But this bridge belongs to four other relations (Schwarzwaldhöhenradweg, Enztalradweg, Deutsche Fachwerkstrasse, DE:BW:RadNetz).

So, I have no idea what other effects a closure of this bridge would have.Obviously, however, these 4 organizations do not consider it important, the construction site exists obviously since June 2021 without that is mapped in OSM.

(15 Mar '22, 15:43) practitioner

I´ve contacted and got this answer: .....

thanks for the hint regarding OSM. In fact, the construction site is not noted in OpenStreetMap.

However, on the homepage it is pointed out on the start page.

Since the new page of the Enztalradweg will go online soon, we will also update OSM or link it.

(18 Mar '22, 11:00) practitioner
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

For such long period it makes sense to update the OSM data. There is no process to re-check the status in 2026 but hopefully someone will be vigilant then and update the data once again. One could also add a note= tag to certain elements to point mappers to the problem.

For the blocked part you should update the existing highways. If they are being rebuilt the highway=construction tag is probably appropriate. If they are merely closed add appropriate access tags, e.g. access=no.

As far as I can see there are already mapped highways along the gpx track you shared. The section south of the parking lot P+M Pforzheim Ost is unroutable, though, as the track carries a access=agricultural tag wich closes is to all traffic but agricultural vehicles. This should probably be motor_vehicle=agricultural instead, leaving the track open for foot and bicycle traffic. I would not change the route relation of Enztalradweg unless the new route is really signposted as such.

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answered 12 Mar '22, 20:24

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

  1. Yes
  2. access=no if no transport mode can access it.
  3. You can be if you want to. I've set calender reminders for similar situations. It helps to keep any links to press reports or authority documentation as a memory jog.
permanent link

answered 13 Mar '22, 00:02

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 11 Mar '22, 17:38

question was seen: 1,056 times

last updated: 18 Mar '22, 11:01

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