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Hello, Newbie question: I am trying to customize an openstreet map, using TileMill to style it.

The online map has too many markers, places etc. and the downloadable files from cloudmade do not cover buildings, lakes, so many layers are missing.

So, basically I need to be able to produce a middle point between these details level, choosing whatever I want to put on the map, and still have shapefiles as the output, no pngs.

I there any way to achieve that? Thanks a lot!

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 10 Oct '11, 10:59

Diego%20Pizarro's gravatar image

Diego Pizarro
accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Oct '11, 11:03

The downloadable shape files on do contain buildings and layers. However you can also create your own shape files using the osm2shp or osmjs tools, or you could download a full OSM exctract and then run a PostGIS importer like osm2pgsql or imposm to load the data into a PostGIS database from where you then render with TileMill. If you want to (re)use an already existing map style, it is a good idea to use the same data provider or import tool as that style, else you have a lot of style modifications ahead of you. Most existing styles are geared towards the table structure that osm2pgsql generates.

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answered 10 Oct '11, 11:04

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Great, I will begin with the files from geoFabrik, which seem to be complete indeed. Then I will tackle the more advanced osm manipulation. Do you suggest I use the tool on openstreetmap to produce the osm extracts? Thanks a lot.

(10 Oct '11, 11:21) Diego Pizarro

If you want to produce extracts in the sense of "small osm files", and the ready-made extracts on sites like (others are available, check are not sufficient for you, then you can use the Osmosis tool to create your own extracts.

If you want to produce Shape Files then I suggest you first create an OSM extract and then run the osmjs tool on that.

(10 Oct '11, 12:44) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 10 Oct '11, 10:59

question was seen: 6,474 times

last updated: 10 Oct '11, 12:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum