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I am a new mapper on OpenStreetMap. My friend is not. He looked at what I added yesterday. My training here was not much more than seeing how things appeared to be done and following the example. I have mapped alot but did not know to add surface=parking lot. I actually recall where I mapped. Does a way exist for me to see if the area lacks that? I am willing to add but not start from nothing. I have done along with sidewalk add-ons more than 10,000 edits to the map. I do my edits in Safari.

asked 10 Mar '22, 20:36

Dark_Valor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


If you can provide a link to the map centered on the area in question, someone could check things to see if the tagging looks appropriate.

BTW, I looked at the changesets associated with your account to see if I could find where you edited the parking lot, and it's hard to tell what was done in each changeset. In the future, it would be helpful to both others and yourself if you use meaningful changeset comments to better describe what was actually done in each one. With something like "For no pay, that is enough.", it's impossible to tell what type of mapping you were doing.

(10 Mar '22, 21:45) alester

I changed nothing and left no comments for that reason. I added both. The shopping center at 9001 West Markham Street has the same address but different suites numbers. Oh, I must get the URLs. I also updated the nursing home and rehab center to the east of CARTI Cancer Center. This has Taco Bueno. I will leave more relevant comments in the future.

(10 Mar '22, 22:59) Dark_Valor

On a side note Dark_Valor: Even after reading your question and comments multiple times I'm not really clear what your actual question is / questions are. You will get better help if you use a meaningful title, provide information on what you have already done and what you want to achieve, and ask clear questions. This ties in with the ask to you to also use meaningful changeset comments. Thanks.

(14 Mar '22, 08:22) TZorn


It's hard to know if an area lacks mapped car parks. But it's quite easy to highlight the already mapped ones, if you check an area you know well, you should see the gaps easily.

For example this query on overpass-turbo will display amenity=parking in the area you're looking at (click "Run" at the top left to load the data, try a not too big area, otherwise it will get really slow or even crash).

With this other query, you will also get street-side parking (parking:lane=*).

While re-reading your question, I thought that maybe you were looking for amenity=parking that lacks parking=* tag. Here is another query to look for that.

It seems that none of the car parks in the area (around the CARTI Cancer center you mentioned) have the wanted tag. Indeed they don't have any other tag than amenity=parking ! I like to add at least fee=, access= and opening_hours= when I can find the relevant information. You will find a lot more details on the amenity=parking wiki page.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.

permanent link

answered 13 Mar '22, 16:32

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 10 Mar '22, 20:36

question was seen: 1,451 times

last updated: 14 Mar '22, 08:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum