I exported a KML from Google MyMaps, and attempted to import it in uMap. It shows a layer with the file name, but nothing appears on the map. There should be close to 400 pins with name and comment information fields. There's also photos, but I understand those won't get transferred in such an import.. My question is, where is all the data from the google mymap? Here is a link to my map with the KML imported: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/owners_728965 I know the KML file is not empty because I can open it in notepad and see all the data.
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Hi. You can import kml in uMap, I suppose you can export from G... You will probably loose some formatting, but the data should be alright. The photos will not get get across, I'm afraid. You need to host them somewhere, then you can display them in uMap. The guide on the OSM wiki is quite comprehensive. There is not enforced limits in uMap that I know of, but it will get really slow after a few thousand points.... Regards. |
I'm no expert in kml but to me it looks like your file does not have any coordinates. There are just place names. Are there any export options in MyMap that would add them? Indeed, the kml file only has addresses (city only it seems) and place names, which are businesses or venues, I guess. uMap can't interpret that unfortunately. You need to go through a geocoder, to get coordinates from the place names. Maybe a little complicated since you seem to have a lot of them.
(12 Mar '22, 15:56)
Ohhh, I didn't know uMap needed coordinates, as google didn't require them. Damn, I wonder if there's an easy way to convert locations to coordinates?
(12 Mar '22, 23:28)
Found this: https://www.earthpoint.us/BatchConvert.aspx Is there an example of what format the coordinates should be for uMap ?
(14 Mar '22, 17:51)
I notice that when I click on pins on my google mymap, it shows coordinates, but apparently it does not export them into the kml file? Weird.
(20 Mar '22, 16:51)
My main map has almost 5000 points; bad idea? Better choice besides uMap perhaps? I just tried to import a KML file in uMap, and nothing happens at all when you click the import button. What is supposed to go in the url and data fields if I'm importing from a file? I click the button and nothing happens, as if I didn't click it at all. EDIT: I was wrong, it does show a layer for my KML file, but where is the data? No pins? Nothing showing on the map at all =( 2
A bit difficult to help like this. Can you post the link to your uMap? Maybe that would help. Or you need to provide more information what your file looks like, what steps you took and what you are seeing now exactly. May I also ask you to add information to your original question (you can edit it or comment on it) and not post them here as an answer.
(10 Mar '22, 11:31)
Thanks for the reply. Is this the right link?: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/owners_728965 I exported the KML from Google MyMaps, and attempted to import it in uMap. It shows a layer with the file name, but nothing appears on the map. There should be close to 400 pins with name and comment information fields. There's also photos, but I understand those won't get transferred. I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean about adding information to my original question?
(10 Mar '22, 15:46)
I understand what you mean now; I've edited my original question above.
(10 Mar '22, 21:36)
You could also have asked another question. ;-)
Anyway, could you share the KML file?
UMap is a bit picky in the way it imports data... Sometimes I found that going through an external kml2gpx converter worked better.
Yes, how can I share it with you? Or perhaps you can refer me to the converter you mentioned and I can try that?
I just tried importing as csv, and same result, nothing shows on the map.. is uMap in beta/testing? Perhaps not ready for usage? Seems odd that both the kml and the csv file reveal nothing on the map =(
I've tried a kml to gpx converter, uploaded the gpx file and still nothing is showing on the map.
To expand on what @H_mlet suggested yesterday:
What this means is upload it to somewhere public that other people can download it from. If you do that, other people will be able to look at it and might be explain what the problem is.
Oh ok, I thought you meant I could upload it here somehow. Here is a dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4g00p07qtvcikn3/Owners.kml?dl=0
It has been up for years but sadly it is now unmaintained, or just barely. So what works is great, but don't expect new features...