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The iD Editor feature type ”Gas Pump" tags amenity=vending_machine+vending=fuel

Is this supposed to be micro-mapped for an individual gas pump inside a "Gas station" (amenity=fuel)?

I was looking to tag small-capacity road-side vending machines selling gas (common in developing countries), and I was advised to go with amenity=fuel+vending_machine=yes+vending=fuel which is documented in the wiki.

“To avoid tag conflicts, a fuel station sells fuel using a fuel vending machine, it's good to mark it as amenity=fuel + vending_machine=yes + vending=fuel.”

Does this “conflict” infer one is for micro-mapping, the other for a vending machine station ?

I would be happy to submit a new Feature Type for iD, how should we call this then? “Gas Vending Machine”?

asked 09 Mar '22, 15:02

cmoffroad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Mar '22, 07:53

Hi. This change had to do with the increasing popularity in recent years in Europe and worldwide of fully automated filling stations, such as Tanpoool24 (,,7.7046383,8.66z), Shell etc. where labelling 24/7, cashless, with one or more fuel and payment machines, fully automatic service stations as "amenity=vending_machine" is, in my opinion, a mistake.

I edited the article in 2018, this change was made based on a discussion that took place on the previous Discord Poland forum.

I have not mentioned that an automatic filling station can also, in a few cases, be part of a "traditional" filling station.

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answered 15 Mar '22, 17:53

Aim311's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '22, 18:14

hey. thanks for the update. Wondering, why didn't you go with self-service=yes+full_service=no+automated=yes ? These tankpool stations don't look any different from traditional retail stations, and there is nothing in the wiki that says that existing tags cannot be used for unmanned stations.

(16 Mar '22, 11:09) cmoffroad

Just to add another data point from around the world - in the UK many (but not most) filling stations will only be manned when there's a retail shop to operate, but will still be open (but unmanned) out of shop hours.

(16 Mar '22, 11:41) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 09 Mar '22, 15:02

question was seen: 1,373 times

last updated: 16 Mar '22, 11:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum