Hi, I am using Overpass API to count the number of POIs for different categories and for different cities. However, the the city names I use, sometimes don't match the ones tagged in OSM. Example: I use "Southbridge Town" but in OSM is listed as "Southbridge" (sometimes using "Southbridge Town" returns some POIs) Example request:
I am looking for a general method for matching my city names with the ones used in OSM using regular expressions or Overpass tools. I use Python to build the query and make the request. Thank you!
This question is marked "community wiki".
First to answer your question the solution is ot use the 'something like' operative which you've already used - However it's not required as there's only one Southbridge place.
This routine returns the same results as your routine
There was an error in my initial question. I use ["name"="Southbridge Town"] and it should be recognized as "Southbridge". Also, using "addr:city" works well in my tests.
(09 Mar '22, 18:23)
Show the areas produced by the addr:city line. The are no 2Southbridge Town" objects. https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1gLY
(09 Mar '22, 19:14)