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I'm updating speed cameras. They all have a enforcement relation type

Relation tags: enforcement=maxspeed maxspeed= name= type=enforcement

Members: from= to= device=*

But some of the speed cameras also have on the device node, set name, maxspeed and highway=speed_camera. Are these tags on the device node needed?

Also all roads with speed cameras, has maxspeed set/tag. Is still the maxspeed needed on the device-node or relation?

asked 07 Mar '22, 07:53

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Mar '22, 08:07

Tagging the speed camera itself with all the details is the older way to do it. Enforcement relations have been added later (albeit already a long time ago). So repeating the information may assist backward capability. It is not wrong. highway=speed_camera I would tag in any case to give the node a purpose.

Even if the maxspeed is tagged to the road you need to give the max_speed details on the relation (and on the node if you like). Depending on situation it is not always easy to derive the speed limit relevant for the camera and I doubt many data consumers are even trying.

permanent link

answered 07 Mar '22, 15:14

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


Thanks for answer and info.

I have seen the tag "highway=speed_camera" on some camera/device-nodes, but not all. But your suggestion of giving the node a purpose with a such tag, sounds good.

(07 Mar '22, 16:03) Msiipola

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question asked: 07 Mar '22, 07:53

question was seen: 1,003 times

last updated: 09 Mar '22, 08:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum