I've found a duplicated way on this map, different areas with a common border but same name: Both appear to have been created by same user however there are no change set comments explaining why it's been done this way and they have not been active in 7 years so I can't contact them. Should I merge them? My intention for merging is the park is showing as a duplicate in the search results however I've read in same cases these should be left alone so long as the ways are accurate in their parts because it could cause unforeseen problems. If merging isn't allowed, what do I do with the third segment of the park (also created by the same user) which is currently unnamed. It is part of Elder Park because it contains the Elder Park Rotunda within it. Do I add a name to the way (thereby making three ways of the same "Elder Park"), or extend the second way into it? |
Hi. Is there any physical separation on the ground? If not, I would merge the three parts, without hesitation. Some people find large areas hard to maintain, so you you might want to join them through a multi-polygon... But that seems a bit overkill in this case. Best regards. |