On my maps (UK) I can see footpaths but the wiki doesn't show the legend for a redy/brown solid line inside dashed blocks. |
Those are administrative boundaries. You can disable them somewhere... There is a quite comprenhensive key in the app, in the help menu IIRC. Regards. |
Hi, If it is a highway then I think the dashes show the type of surface of the way. For me, the screenshot isn't too good. The OsmAnd legend is here:- https://osmand.net/help-online/map-legend I just checked a place I know well, this is definitly a boundary. Maybe the legend is outdated, or it shows another admin level ( 8 here I think ). Regards.
(05 Mar '22, 17:27)
Can you link to an example? It's not clear whether "my maps (UK)" is a brand of OSM-based map, or whether you're just looking at one of the six map styles on openstreetmap.org in the UK, or something else.
I should have pointed out I am using OSMand app. I've linked to a screenshot.