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rookie question here, following available info from wiki I managed to get JOSM installed, openseamap loaded, openseamap plugin installed but when trying to add a missing light the Seamap editor shows the Save button grayed out. Missing something obvious? Thanks.

screenshot: alt text

asked 28 Feb '22, 11:15

groomete's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Feb '22, 11:43

Did you connect JOSM to your OWM account?

(28 Feb '22, 12:25) H_mlet

Account created, token received and token tested ok yes. I've progressed a little in the meanwhile. It looks not an account or app issue but a usability problem. I expected it to allow me to create nodes directly through it, or to edit an existing one, but doesnt do any of that (apparently). But if I start by drawing a node in JOSM while keep the SeaMap editor open, it allows me to select the proper mark type, give a name and save. Kind of a PEBKAC issue. thank you!

(28 Feb '22, 14:53) groomete

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question asked: 28 Feb '22, 11:15

question was seen: 529 times

last updated: 28 Feb '22, 14:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum