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I intended to only change tags of 2 nodes but accidentally changed some relations. I am travelling and work with GoMap from my mobile phone, so can't see what I messed up. The best way to fix it may be a complete revert of the changeset. Can someone please do this for me?

asked 27 Feb '22, 12:43

MonsterKlaus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I had another look and I think I have accidentally moved a huge multipolygon (landuse=forest) with 892 nodes. It is out of my experience to fix this. So I would be very happy for support from an experienced mapper to fix this.

(27 Feb '22, 16:05) MonsterKlaus


I did it using JOSM reverter plugin, changeset #117915725.

This is my first revert, so please have a look at the resulting data, but there was only one simple conflict, a slightly moved node, so that should be alright.

Best to act fast with this kind of problems if I understand correctly.

Best regards.

permanent link

answered 27 Feb '22, 17:02

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Hello H@mlet, thanks for your fast action. It is the first time for me having made such an accidental mistake and I also don't have experience with reverts. But I know it is good to be fast to avoid other edits on the same items. I will check the effect of your revert.

(27 Feb '22, 17:28) MonsterKlaus

It looks perfectly fixed. Thanks H@mlet :-)

(28 Feb '22, 07:47) MonsterKlaus

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question asked: 27 Feb '22, 12:43

question was seen: 1,182 times

last updated: 28 Feb '22, 07:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum