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Hi! I'm trying to use the osrmtime command in Stata environment in order to calculate percurrence time/distance in an automaded way. At the moment the command works but the output not. After a general run I get the following results:

list Origine Destinazione distance duration jumpdist1 jumpdist2 return_code in 1/4

 | Origine   Destinazi~e   distance   duration   jumpdi~1   jumpdi~2   return~e |
 | ALGHERO       ALGHERO          0          0    4064617    4064617         OK |
 | ALGHERO     BENETUTTI          0          0    4064617    3980292         OK |
 | ALGHERO          BONO          0          0    4064617    3990541         OK |
 | ALGHERO   CASTELSARDO          0          0    4064617    4051115         OK |

There are several problems in this output.

  1. Using the Italy latest map it seems it does not cover Sardinia area, it is possible?
  2. duration and distance are set to 0 of every pair of itineraries;
  3. jumpdist1 and jumpdist2 are in order 4000km as if I was using a map from, maybe, middle east.
  4. return~e give code ok, that is not normally planned to be in the Stata journal article.

Someone could give me some advice on it? Thanks.

asked 27 Feb '22, 09:58

Shardana's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Feb '22, 09:59

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question asked: 27 Feb '22, 09:58

question was seen: 1,033 times

last updated: 27 Feb '22, 09:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum