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Hi. What are the best settings to reduce/ eliminate altitude anomalies? Currently I have so many that my altitude on a track log is meaningless. Xaiomi redmi note 10 pro, android 11 miui 12. Cheers.

asked 26 Feb '22, 16:07

patondog's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Mar '22, 10:43

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


Which app is your question about? There are many different OSM-based apps available.

(28 Feb '22, 07:18) scai ♦

Hi. Sorry, it's true, I didn't think. I'm using OsmAnd map app version 4.1.11.


(28 Feb '22, 16:18) patondog

There are several users reporting wrong altitude information with OsmAnd. This seems to be caused by using the PlayServices for obtaining the position (and height). You can check the latest nightly build (, it doesn't use the PlayServices to get the location, as far as I know. The same applies to the F-Droid version. Also, check for similar reports (for example among others).

(01 Mar '22, 07:13) scai ♦

A GPS signal is good at locations but not altitudes. Barometric altitude is good but changes with airpressure/weather so is ok over short space of time. Can you find an app that uses a map with contour lines. I use opentopomap on a Garmin GPS.

(01 Mar '22, 20:30) andy mackey

Thanks for your suggestions. I tried the nightly build but lost all my maps etc - I'll try again and read the instructions better...

(08 Mar '22, 13:47) patondog

Are you sure that they got lost? Maybe they are in a different directory? OsmAnd allows to choose between multiple different directories for storing maps, tracks etc.

(08 Mar '22, 14:56) scai ♦
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question asked: 26 Feb '22, 16:07

question was seen: 1,284 times

last updated: 08 Mar '22, 14:56

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