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Hi there, I am making a website with multiple motorsports calendars, for which I want to create track maps based on Openstreetmap data. The main calendar page will look similar to the Formula 1 calendar page (The track maps will look similar as well). As far as I understood everything I have to give credit using "Map data © OpenStreetMap" linking to I also read that I can give credit once for multiple images on one site. Am I allowed to put this credit at the bottom of the page or does it have to be directly below the image?

Thanks in advance.

asked 26 Feb '22, 09:51

Al-Ain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You may find the attribution guidelines and Licence and Legal FAQ helpful. I think this is ultimately a question of interpreting the license though and I and many of the others who frequent this site aren't qualified to advise on that.

(26 Feb '22, 12:42) InsertUser


It would be nice to put a small attribution below each image, as most users won't go to the bottom of the page.

But indeed, a larger text, at the bottom, with some explanation of the data used, would be sufficient IMHO. Something visible, like a logo, might be nice as well (not instead).


permanent link

answered 26 Feb '22, 11:21

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thanks very much for your answer, I'll probably be doing a small attribution below each image and then put a larger text at the bottom. If you click on a race there will be a more detailed page which will use the same image and there I will attribute it right below the image, so users should see where the data comes from anyways.

(26 Feb '22, 13:57) Al-Ain

I think that will be perfect.

Best of luck with your project.

(26 Feb '22, 18:38) H_mlet

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question asked: 26 Feb '22, 09:51

question was seen: 1,047 times

last updated: 26 Feb '22, 18:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum