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I am a beginner. Mapping in Germany I am trying to add a missing name to cemeteries - landuse already defined as cemetery. The updates are accepted and later when I query the object, the name appears with the value expected. But often the name does not appear on the Standard map. Here are two villages, 3 klm apart, which I recently updated the same way. The first works. The second fails.

  1. Freirachdorf in Gemeinde Selters - the name "Friedhof Freirachdorf" now appears in Standard and several other maps.

  2. Roßbach in Gemeinde Hackenburg - the name "Friedhof Roßbach" appears in maps CyclOSM, Radfahrerkarte and Humanitär, just as above, but does not appear in the Standard map.

How can I ensure that the name appears consistently in the Standard map? Thanks in advance for your time.

asked 23 Feb '22, 22:35

Norman%20Spirit's gravatar image

Norman Spirit
accept rate: 0%

First of all, you can never "ensure" than anything is shown on the standard map. As a mapper, you add features - and it is the discretion of the cartographers whether to show a feature at all, or at what zoom level to show it. Sometimes a feature might not show because of a deliberate decision by the cartographers - or it might be a question of priority, where another nearby feature is considered more important in one map style but perhaps not so in another. This can then lead to some names being dropped while others remain visible.

Trying to "game" the system and to modify the data so that you achieve the desired result is frowned upon - just map what's there and leave it at that.

Having said that, I see nothing wrong with the mapping of the Roßbach cemetery. It might simply be a glitch in the map update process. I guess it will appear sooner or later.

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answered 23 Feb '22, 23:44

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 23 Feb '22, 22:35

question was seen: 912 times

last updated: 23 Feb '22, 23:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum