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There is a parking on top of a building (id:94574722). How should this parking be mapped? I get errors for highway crossing building.

asked 18 Feb '22, 08:26

Msiipola's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Feb '22, 10:52

You map them just normally. But additionally, you need to add appropriate layer tags to all overlapping objects to determin the right stacking order. E.g. the building could get layer=0 (0 could be omitted as default, but it does not hurt tagging for clarity) and the parking layer=1. Same applies to the ramps.

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answered 18 Feb '22, 10:05

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 18 Feb '22, 10:41


Thanks for answer. I missed the fact the ramp should also have layer=1. And now I don't get errors on the crossing highway and building.

(18 Feb '22, 10:51) Msiipola

This is for road rendering. Technically layer= doesn't work well with building=. For 3D info, you want level=. location=rooftop is another possible addition.

(18 Feb '22, 11:48) Kovoschiz

The wiki page for parking allows for parking=rooftop. I think the parking area should be outlined as for a surface lot and the appropriate rooftop and layer tag also defined in addition to the main parking amenity.

A level tag may also be appropriate if it is understood to coincide with a particular level of the building (it looks in the image like part of the building may be higher?).

Warnings from the validator are not always correct. In this case I think it is simply saying that "roads do not normally cross buildings" this is true in general, but in this specific case the road really does cross the building and after double checking that there are no other accidental crossings it can probably be safely ignored.

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answered 18 Feb '22, 13:59

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

It seems my "form resubmission" was an answer that is now redundant. oops.

(18 Feb '22, 14:02) InsertUser

I wasn't aware of the keys parking=rooftop and location=rooftop. Maybe I have to reconsider how I shall map the parking, after I have read the wiki about "rooftop".

(18 Feb '22, 17:10) Msiipola

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question asked: 18 Feb '22, 08:26

question was seen: 1,656 times

last updated: 18 Feb '22, 17:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum