I have created two proposals: I'd like to start the RFCs for these two proposed features. However, I haven't subscribed to the tagging@openstreetmap.org mailing list (and I won't, as it has very high traffic). So how do I start the RFC process? |
OSM mailing lists are not moderated. There are no moderators. There are administrators, but these are a last port of call for problems that you can't solve yourself. Happily, this is a problem you can solve yourself. If you wish to post to the tagging@ list, you should subscribe in the normal fashion. You can then disable mail delivery using the web interface. You can then read the list any way you see fit, such as through the Mailman archives or through a third-party service such as Nabble or gmane. You should expect to engage in any ensuing discussion. An RFC is exactly that - a Request For Comment. If you are requesting comment, it is basic politeness to read and respond to the comments that arise. (For the avoidance of doubt: messages posted to the tagging@ list by non-subscribers will not be passed through. I can say this with some certainty as I'm the list admin. If everyone tried to post without subscribing, the poor mailing list administrators would spend all day sifting through Mailman's (rather painful) web interface. Bear in mind that many administrators look after several high-traffic mailing lists.) Remember, though, that the tag documentation process on the wiki and the tagging@ mailing list is entirely optional and, indeed, is frowned on by many of the more experienced mappers. You can use any tags you like in OSM. The best way to make sure a tag takes hold is to use it, not to document a tag in the hope that others will. |